
Opinion exchange with Intellectual Property Owners (IPO)

On October 23, 2008, IPO Asia Practice Committee members led by IPO Chairperson Mr. Steven Miller came to JIPA office to have an information/opinion exchange.

At the beginning of the session, JIPA and IPO exchanged information about JIPA’s key activities and IPO’s key activities since their last joint meeting. JIPA’s presentations “Trends
of Employee Invention System” and “Developments in the JPO and courts regarding inventive step standards” followed this. After JIPA presentations, IPO talked on “Antitrust law and patent misuse and how impacts IPR holders” and ” Recent US Decisions of importance-eBay and KSR”.

Because the meeting was limited with two hours, it is undeniable that there was not time to discuss each agenda though, attendees executed high-quality discussion in bounded time.

[Update 2008-11-12 ]