
JIPA Delegation to Europe

From May 29 to 30, JIPA sent a eight- member-mission to EU Committee, WIPO, German Patent and Trademark Office, and EPO.

Following the Trilateral Industry Meeting which was held on May 28, they focused their discussion mainly on Harmonization.

”¦EU Committee: Current situation of CPC, Business contents of International Trade dpt., Directive 2004/48/EC etc.
”¦WIPO: International trends of Harmonization, PCT Issues, PATENTSCOPE etc.
”¦EPO: Patent Prosecution Highway among EPO, USPTO, and JPO, PCT revision, Same format issues among EPO, USPTO, and JPO
”¦GPTO: PPH between JPO and GPTO, Patent Invalidation Lawsuits in Germany

This Europe mission is for the first time since 2005 to collect the latest IP Information. The delegation exchanged opinion directory with incoming secretary general, Mr. Francis Gurry , President Mr. Jurgen Scade , and President Alison Brimelow at WIPO, DPMA, and EPO respectively. It showed a higher interest in Japanese Industry than JIPA’s European one.

[Update 2008-06-16 ]