
The 9th Industry Trilateral Meeting in Brussels

On May 28, 2008, the9th Industry Trilateral Meeting was held in Brussels, Belgian.
JIPA, AIPLA, IPO, and BusinessEurope discussed on a broad agenda like, common application format, One Search, PCT preliminary/international search, unity of invention, patent quality, the number of claims to show the concrete plans at the meeting with trilateral offices in coming autumn.

JIPA has suggested step-by-step approach for international IP system harmonization. Regarding an agenda “One Search”, JIPA developed a discussion with introducing JPN- US PPH usability and the necessity for search report format unification. As for the claim number issue, JIPA insisted that harmonization of the unity of invention should be considered together. These agendas were listed on the consensus document of this trilateral meeting.
Lastly, the meeting confirmed a continuous commitment to conference for B+ countries to develop their discussion on the substantive patent law.

The 10th trilateral Industrial Meeting will be held at The Hague, Netherlands on the sideline of the Meeting among Trilateral Offices.

Appending file

[Update 2008-06-05 ]