
WIPO-JIPA Conference on the Strategic Use of IP

On December 13, a closed conference on "STRATEGIC USE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN SELECT INDUSTRIES" co-hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Japanese intellectual property (JIPA) at Keio Plaza Hotel.

JIPA promoted fully cooperation and help for this conference generated by WIPO. About 20 people from the chamber of commerce and the IP related organs of the ASEAN countries, about 10 people from WIPO, and about 30 people from JIPA came to take part in the forum.

After Dr. Nomakuchi, Chairperson of JIPA gave opening remarks, Mr. Pushpendra of the WIPO made a speech on “Intellectual Property and Development: the Striking the Right Balance ". Following that, Mr. Koumoto of Nissan Motor (Managing Director of JIPA), Mr. Kato of Toshiba (President of JIPA), and Mr. Morioka of Ajinomoto made presentations on “Role of IP in Enhancing Competitiveness” based on their experiences in the own company. In the afternoon session, there were presentations on the same theme from Huawei Technology (China), Samsung (Korea), and the federation of Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance. Then the speech about efforts to enhancing intellectual property systems in ASEAN countries was made by two officers from ASEAN chamber of commerce. The intellectual property awareness in the industry of ASEAN countries is rising rapidly, but there are many points that they should learn from the companies in developed nations like Japan still more, and presentations and Q and A session in this conference must have been productive for them.

JIPA has sent delegations for Asian countries every year. The delegations has stated requests on IP system improvements from Japanese industry and exchanged opinions with IP organization in Asian countries. In addition, JIPA has cooperated and supported for the area as much as achievable as a non-governmental organization. This co-hosted conference is the new forms of supportive activities for JIPA to ASEAN countries. JIPA would like to work for such a program positively and continuously as much as we can.

On the next day, the participants from ASEAN countries visited Sony and Honda Motor through JIPA arrangement.

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