
JIPA delegation goes to Vietnam, Thai, and Malaysia

JIPA sent a mission to Vietnam, Thai, and Malaysia from November 5 to 13, 2007 to visit IP related organizations and counterfeit goods regulation offices in each country.

This mission followed the delegation to India and Indonesia, which is sent last January and its aim ware;
1. Radicate IP oriented social climate in Asian countries
2. Enhance IP system and related legal system in Asian countries

They exchanged opinions and requests based on the questionnaire which had taken in June among JIPA member companies, such as accelerated Patent examination, introduction of partial design, reinforcement of the protection of foreign famous trademark, and strengthening anti-counterfeit measure and so on.

The delegation received useful information on what their anti-counterfeit measure was like and notice of IP seminars form IP related private organizations in each country. There information should underpin their future work

JIPA has already made several visit to Vietnam, Thai, and Malaysia. JIPA’s such previous missions have contributed to our mutual understanding. Regarding issues and requests in this mission, JIPA will take appropriate follow-up activities for future low revision and improvement.

National Office of IP of Vietnam, The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam, Market management Dept. Office of Ministry of Trade, Custom, and Hochiminh city dept. of Science and Technology
Dept of IP, the central IP and Int’l trade court, Economic Crime Investigation Div.¡¢Custom, Dept. of Special Investigation, JETRO bangkok
IP Corporation of Malaysia, IP court, Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs,

[Update 2007-12-04 ]