
Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (KRIVET) Officers Visit JIPA

August 7, 2007, Dr. Jung Hyang-jin of KRIVET visited to JIPA office accompanied by Mr. Kyung-pyo Lee, Senior Manager, Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA). KRIVET is a government-funded research organization devoted to develop human resources, so they visited JIPA to hear the actual situation on human resource development as a part of KIPA commissioned study. Mr. Momose JIPA Managing Director and Mr. Doi, JIPA Secretary General explained JIPA human resource development system.

In recent years, Korea is very conscious about IP personnel education as well as Japan. At first , they are interested in IP test hosted by Association of IP education, Though after they knew JIPA training system, They showed higher interest in JIPA training because JIPA training courses are specialized training for employees in IP field. Of particular interest to them was IP Innovative Leader Course and IP Strategy Staff Course.

KIPA will launch an e-leaning system, IP PANORAMA, in September collaborate with WIPO and KIPO. The system will target working people not only in Korea but Asian countries. The IP PANORAMA provides in English so it would be good for JIPA member companies. JIPA will continuously collect its information.

[Update 2007-08-08 ]