
Commissioner of KIPO visited JIPA

On December 17, 2012, KIPO delegation, Mr. Kim Ho-Won, Commissioner of KIPO, and Mr. Kwun,Kui Wou, Director, International Cooperation Division, and the other relating six peoples of KIPA visited JIPA’s Tokyo Office and exchanged the information. From JIPA side, Mr. Okumura, President, Mr. Osonoe, Vice-president and the other three members attended the meeting.

As the visiting to JIPA by the Commissioner Mr. Kim was the first opportunity, JIPA introduced the organization and the activities. On the other hand, commissioner explained followings; Increasing the importance of user comments for the recent international IP policy making, he hopes the ability-up of KINPA as the independent IP user group of Korea. Korea recently made KINPA financially independent from the government because the understanding that the relationship between the Office and the user is suitable for the IP policy making being the same as that of between JPO and JIPA, financially independent IP group from the Office. With respect to the activities for the harmonization, KIPO would like JIPA to cooperate with Korean user since it is effective for useful policy making for both of us.

In exchanging the comments, we mutually understood the importance of the cooperation with Korean Office, Korean user group and JIPA for the activity of the global harmonization, like IP-5, etc.

[Update 2012-12-20 ]