JIPA Annual Meeting 2019
On May 31, 2019, the FY2019 JIPA Annual General Meeting was held at the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. After the opening speech by Mr. ASAMI JIPA president, the financial & business statements for FY2018, the reelection of directors, and the FY2019 budget & Action Plan were discussed and all approved.
JIPA's activities to clarify the current IP issues from the domestic and international perspectives and to achieve them in light of the basic purpose of the IP system, “contributing to the development of industry”, is getting more important in recent years, and with this background, JIPA will promote, taking on new perspectives as in the past,to express he views and actively develop activities on major intellectual property issues from the independent position of the private sector through research on intellectual property systems and intellectual policies.
The meeting was followed by a special lecture by Mr. Kazuo TACHI, The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, titled "Satellite technology development and utilization".
In addition, during the interval after the discussion, the first meeting of the Board of Directors was held in another room to establish a new Board consisting of President (Representative Director), Vice Presidents, Executive Managing Director (Director involved in business execution), and Managing Directors.
After the special lecture, Mr. Yuji TODA (HITACHI), who was newly appointed as President as in FY2019, introduced the new board members. Furthermore, Mr. Masaki SAKUYAMA (Mitsubishi Electric), Chairperson, and Mr. Kenichi NAGASAWA (CANON), newly appointed Vice Chairperson each gave an address.
In the part of the awards ceremony, 18 members in total of training contributors and general contributors were honored with testimonials and special gifts by JIPA Chairperson, Mr.Sakuyama, Mr.Kondo(Toyota), representing the recipients, made an address.
Finally, Mr. Shimano, JPO Deputy Commissioner, who was invited as a guest, showed appreciation for JIPA’s cooperation and introduced measures to support utilization of intellectual property system for Japan’s continuous economic development, and concrete measures about cooperation with users of intellectual property system.
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[Update 2019-06-17 ]