
Global Dossier Task Force Meeting in Suzhou, China

On January 21 and 22, 2015, the 2nd Global Dossier Task Force (GDTF) Meeting was held in Suzhou, China. The purpose of the meeting was for the IP5 Offices (JPO, USPTO, EPO, KIPO, and SIPO), WIPO, and IP user groups (JIPA, AIPLA, IPO, Business Europe, KINPA, and PPAC) to gather to discuss the future plan for the Global Dossier, while having user needs reflected therein.

In the morning of January 21, before the GDTF Meeting, the user groups had a preliminary meeting to sort out their opinions and demands and compile the industry's consensus opinions and demands. JIPA proposed functional requirements for providing patent office data in XML files.
At the GDTF Meeting, the IP5 Offices reported the progress after the first GDTF Meeting and proposed a list of development items for the future. In line with the proposed development items, the user groups offered five preferential development items, including providing data in XML files. Additionally, JIPA proposed that system development should be promoted from the perspective of ensuring an easy solution to system failure and involving few legal restrictions, while also taking into consideration the cost merit for users. This strong message by JIPA was shared at the meeting.

[Update 2015-02-20 ]