
JIPA holds Meeting with 2013 AIPLA IP Practice

On April 11, 2013, JIPA held an information/opinion exchange meeting with the AIPLA IP Practice in Japan Committee. This event has been held annually in April. This year, a total of 51 people participated in the meeting: 25 representatives of AIPLA, including President Jeffrey I.D. Lewis, former presidents David W. Hill and Alan J. Kasper, and 26 members of JIPA, including President Takashi Ueno and Executive Managing Director Naoto Kuji. Participants from both JIPA and AIPLA presented a number of interesting subjects and enjoyed a lively discussion on the issues raised.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Otsuka, vice chairperson of the 1st Patent Committee presented the report “Observations on Description Requirements for Patent Examination in Japan, the U.S. and Europe.” Participants from the U.S. expressed their view that it was a very interesting analysis.

On the other hand, AIPLA explained the revised U.S. Patent Act and presented the consequences of two court decisions: “Post Therasense Case and Practical Tips” and “Post Prometheus Interim Examination Guideline”, and discussed the topics of “Patent Exhaustion” and “Means Plus Function Claims”. JIPA members were especially intrigued by the presentation of the revisions to the U.S. Patent Act, which focused on the revision of Section 102, effective March 16, 2013, the precautions of publication before application, the grace period and other practical matters.

[Update 2013-05-02 ]