
The Industry IP5 meets The IP5 Offices

June 5, 2012, in Corsica, (France), The IP5 Heads of Office met with Industry IP5 representatives from their respective regions for the first time.
The five IP Offices (IP5) is a forum of the five largest intellectual property offices in the world, such as European Patent Office(EPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office(KIPO), the States Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China(SIPO), and the Japan Patent Office(JPO). The Industry IP5 is represented by American Intellectual Property Law Association(AIPLA), Intellectual Property Owners Association(IPO), Korea Intellectual Property Association(KINPA) , Patent Protection Association of China(PPAC), and Japan Intellectual Property Association(JIPA). JIPA delegated Mr.Takenaka, Managing Director and other four members at the meeting. Dr.Francis Garry, Director General of WIPO also attended the meeting.

As this is the kick-off meeting, the meeting was started with the introduction of organization, strategies and activities from all participant bodies. Then, IP5 office and Users exchanged opinions concerning future strategic direction of IP5 office, such as common hybrid classification(CHC), sharing and documenting search strategies, machine translation, global dossier, patent law harmonization, PCT reform, Paris route patent prosecution highway and so on. JIPA offered requests for the promotion of accelerate CHC and Harmonization.

Industry IP5 meeting will be held continuously on the sidelines of IP5 forum. The next will be held in the United States.

A head of IP5-Industry IP5 meeting, 5 Users had a meeting on June 4. Trilateral Users explained KINPA and PPAC the meaning of this conference and made sure the next day’s agendas. They agreed that they will have a meeting the day before IP5-Industry IP5 meeting.

[Update 2012-07-20 ]