
KINPA staff visit JIPA

On May 21, 2009, five members of KINPA which was established last June came JIPA to exchange opinions concerning the management of association. KINPA Chair, Mr. Lee, Jeong Whan paid a courtesy call on JIPA last August, and some member of KINPA came to the 8th JIPA Intellectual Property Symposium. Reversely, then- JIPA president Dr. Nomakuchi made a key note speech at KINPA Conference last November. Such exchanges have made JIPA and KINPA secretariat much closer relationship.

In this time, JIPA told the way JIPA run the association and its training courses. KINPA proposed that how we build a new cooperative structure between JIPA- KINPA secretariats, and JIPA-KINPA committees.

Mr. Tsuyuki, JIPA Human Resource Development Group Leader explained JIPA HRD program, its operation, and selection of lecturers, of which KINPA’s main cencern.

About the proposal of JIPA-KINPA collaborative relationship construction, Mr. Doi, JIPA Secretary General answered that JIPA generally agree with you about that though, there are many matters to be solved, like language, meeting venue, cost sharing and so on. We should begin with feasible things. We decided that we reconsider the matter in each secretariat and will have a review meeting in near future.

KINPA membership has increased 67companies to 87 companies since the time of their establishment, June 2008. KINPA seems to be internationally diversified.

[Update 2009-06-01 ]