
JIPA Annual General Meeting 2017

On May 26, 2017, the FY2017 JIPA Annual General Meeting was held at the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. After the opening speech by Mr. Kondo, JIPA president, the financial & business statements for FY2016, the reelection of managing directors, and the FY2017 budget & Action Plan were discussed and all approved.
The Action Plan declares that to realize a better IP environment, JIPA continues also this year to study global IP issues and each country's IP policies, and transmit our own, non-governmental opinions to related government agencies and organizations in Japan and overseas with an awareness of JIPA's role in society.

The meeting was followed by a special lecture by Mr. Setsuo Iuchi, Secretary General, Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters, Cabinet Office, titled "IP systems in the digital-global age; 'Overview of 'Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2017.'"

In addition, during the interval after the discussion, the first meeting of the Board of Directors was held in another room to establish a new Board consisting of President (Representative Director), Vice Presidents, Executive Managing Director (Director involved in business execution), and Managing Directors. After the special lecture, Mr. Kenji Kondo (TOYOTA), who was reappointed as President as in FY2016, introduced the new board members. Furthermore, Mr. Tanaka (Mitsui Chemicals), Former Chairperson, Mr. Sato (Kobe Steel), Chairperson, and Mr. Asami (Fuji Film), Vice Chairperson each gave an address.

In the part of the awards ceremony, 15 people in total of training contributors and general contributors were honored with testimonials and special gifts by Mr. Sato, Chairperson of JIPA. Mr. Suzuki (Hitachi), representing the recipients, made an address.

Finally, Mr. Komiya, JPO Commissioner, who was invited as a guest, introduced policies on the 4th Industrial Revolution, promotion of utilization of data, protection of rights for AI and IoT, and measures for revitalization of regional and small- and medium-sized enterprises. He also thanked JIPA for the cooperation framework.

In the reception, Mr. Mitomo (Sony), Vice Chairperson, said a few words of greeting, and the members fostered a growing friendship.

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[Update 2017-07-10 ]