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- The 19th JIPA IP Symposium Program
The 19th JIPA IP Symposium Program
※The registration site has been closed.[Theme] | IP Challenges of a New Era (“Reiwa”) and Global IP Strategies In recent years, globalization has been increasingly advancing around the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and/or digital transformation (DX). Meanwhile, anti-globalism or unilateralism has been rising as shown in the US-China trade friction or Brexit. Under such circumstances, how IP will contribute to corporate survival and operations is being asked again. In this annual JIPA IP Symposium, in order to open up a path in this hard-to-predict era, we will try to summarize IP challenges of this new era and will consider with you about IP strategies to overcome them and the development of human resources who will practice such IP strategies, through keynote speeches and panel discussions by experts. |
[Day & Time] | Thursday February 20th, 2020 (10:00-17:35) | |
[Venue] | Tokyo International Forum Hall C | |
[Language] | English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation) | |
[Time table] | [Programs] | |
10:00-10:05 | Opening Remarks Mr. Tsuneaki HAGIWARA (JIPA Vice-chairperson/TOPPAN PRINTING CO.,LTD.) |
10:05-10:20 | Guest Speech Mr. Akira MATSUNAGA (JPO Commissioner) |
10:20-11:40 | Special Talk Session "Global IP Strategies for the Rapidly Changing World in This Unpredictable Era" In the recent situation where globalization of industries and anti-globalism in international politics intermix, companies are inevitably caught up in the confusion of times. IP executives from Japan, US and EU will discuss how advanced global companies interpret this era and adapt their management and what they expect of IPs. Coordinator
12:00-13:10 | Lunch Break & Poster Sessions by JIPA Expert Committees JIPA's expert committees are researching on various themes relating to IP, such as legal issues, utilization of rights, development of human resources, management and so forth. |
13:10-13:20 | Greetings from JIPA chairperson Mr. Masaki SAKUYAMA (MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP.) |
13:20-14:00 | Lecture Mr. Francis Gurry (Director General, WIPO) |
14:15-15:45 | Panel DiscussionⅠ "IP Challenges of the Reiwa Era" Today we see drastic changes, including the advancement of AI and IoT and businesses shifting their value propositions from "products" to "(plus) services." In response, IP divisions need to consider the business use of resources such as data and OSS, as well as the acquisition and the business use of IPRs. In this panel, we will try to summarize our currently facing IP challenges and discuss the strategies to overcome them and the roles of IP divisions to play, thinking about the direction of IP in the new age ("Reiwa" Era). Coordinator
15:45-16:20 | Break & Poster Sessions by JIPA Expert Committees | |
16:20-17:20 | Panel DiscussionⅡ "Development of Successful Global Personnel in the Reiwa Era" What kind of specific capabilities are expected of IP personnel for the continuous success of organizations including adaptation to 5G and other new technologies, use of open innovation and practice of IP landscape? How do global companies continuously taking on worldwide challenges develop human resources capable of thinking, deciding and acting independently to do what's best for the organization? This panel discussion features managerial employees who are responsible for developing human resources and Generation Reiwa top performers of each company. Join us for the stimulating candid discussion on stage to conclude the annual event. Coordinator
17:30-17:35 | Closing Remarks Mr. Yuji TODA (JIPA President/Hitachi, Ltd.) |
18:00-19:30 | Reception Party (Hall D5) |