4月度 東西部会/The Regional Division's Monthly Meeting in April
- 専門委員会報告
- 「商標起点の知財ミックス」
副委員長 田中 健太郎 氏(株式会社サカタのタネ)
- 「商標起点の知財ミックス」
- 海外賛助会員による情報提供/JIPA Foregin Associate Members
- 「台湾特許出願の実務及び対策〜AEPとPPHを中心に〜/The Best Practice for Accelerating Taiwan Patent Examination - Focusing on AEP and PPH-」
連邦国際専利商標事務所/Tsai, Lee & Chen Patent Attorneys & Attorneys at Law(台湾/Taiwan)
劉 勝芳 (リュウ ショウホウ) 氏/Sheng-Fang Liu(ご質問等はこちら)
This presentation will cover the latest revision of the Accelerated Examination Program (AEP), including the introduction of green technology as one of the eligible grounds for application from January 1, 2022. A comparison between the Taiwan-Japan Patent Examination Highway (PPH) and the AEP, as well as what an applicant needs to pay attention to at each stage will also be conveyed. - 「欧州特許の無効化:欧州特許庁での異議申立手続きか、それとも国内での取消手続きか。また、UPCによってどう変わるか。/Invalidating European patents: EPO opposition or national revocation proceedings? And how does the equation change with the UPC?」
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG Partnerschaft mbB(ドイツ/Germany)
Tobias Kaufmann and Christof Karl(ご質問等はこちら)
A party who wishes to invalidate a European patent, for example after receiving a warning letter, has two options, if the patent was granted within the last nine months: to file an opposition with the European Patent Office, or a revocation action before a national court. We will go through the pros and cons of both of them, including invalidation rates, costs, and their interplay with parallel infringement proceedings. And we will provide an overview on how the game changes when the Unified Patent Court starts its operation, which is expected for late 2022. - 「インドにおける特許侵害訴訟/Patent Infringement action in India」
K&S パートナーズ/K&S Partners(インド/India)
Sanjeev K Tiwari, Partner (ご質問等はこちら)
Indian Patents Act 1970 provides a Civil remedy in case of infringement of a patent. A civil action/suit in India has its own nuances. In case of a patent infringement action, a defendant is entitled for seek invalidity of suit patent by way of a counterclaim. Accordingly, patent infringement action, in India, becomes more challenging. Strategy, therefore, in respect of a patent infringement action needs to be carefully prepared prior to instituting the action. Additionally, jurisdiction and time-lines for litigation in India to be factored in by a patentee before instituting the action.
- 「台湾特許出願の実務及び対策〜AEPとPPHを中心に〜/The Best Practice for Accelerating Taiwan Patent Examination - Focusing on AEP and PPH-」