
1月度 東西部会/The Regional Division's Monthly Meeting in January

  1. 特別講演
    内閣府 知的財産戦略推進事務局長   田中 茂明 氏
  2. 専門委員会報告/JIPA Expert Committees Reports
    1. 「特許権侵害訴訟における損害賠償額の推定覆滅の主張立証に関する研究」
      副委員長  箱崎 伸幸 氏 (株式会社日本触媒)
    2. 「イタリア・スペイン・ポーランド・スウェーデンの知財制度に関する調査報告」
      副委員長  村上 加奈子 氏 (三菱電機株式会社)
    3. 「“2035 年”の知財業務と知財組織−2035 年の知財に期待される機能と役割に関する研究−」
      2020年度 副委員長   柴崎 明 氏 (出光興産株式会社)
  3. 海外賛助会員による情報提供/JIPA Foregin Associate Members
    1. 「日本発祥の世界的ブランド保護における商標の役割The Role of Trademarks in Protecting a World-Wide Brand Originating in Japan」
      グリーンブラム&バーンスティン法律事務所Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.(米国)
      Jeff Handelsman, Jill Browning & Bill Boshnick(ご質問等はこちら


        This seminar will include a discussion of the trademark issues that should be considered when creating and establishing a brand on a worldwide basis. It will include discussions of best practices for filing trademarks around the world, including where and when to file given the different legal issues in different key countries. Coordination of trademark strategy, including cost-effective ways to establish and protect a brand, will also be discussed.
    2. 「EPOにおける混合型発明:混合型発明の特許審査を最適化するための出願明細書の作成方法Mixed type inventions at the EPO: How to draft the application text for optimizing patent prosecution of mixed type inventions」
      SSM Sandmair(ドイツ)
      マクシミリアン・エンゲルハルト氏/Dr. Maximilian Engelhard(ご質問等はこちら


        Mixed-Typed Inventions (MTIs) include technical and non-technical features. Getting MTIs granted at the EPO is challenging due to the non-technical features and since MTIs are usually software related. Knowing potential MTI-specific issues during later prosecution before filing allows to draft an application text having higher chances of success. The presentation explains the background of potential MTI prosecution problems and gives practical advice to overcome them by skillful drafting.
    3. 「欧州における新型コロナワクチン関連特許と強制実施権について/COVID Vaccine Patents and Compulsory Licenses in Europe」
      トルタ特許事務所Studio Torta S.p.A.(イタリア)
      アレッサンドラ・ボジア氏、欧州及びイタリア国特許・意匠・商標弁理士/Alessandra Bosia, European and Italian Patent, Design and Trademark Attorney(ご質問等はこちら:日/英)


        The Brexit transition period ended in 2020 and the periods for re-filing COVID-19 vaccines are currently the most effective tool we have to counteract the pandemic. These vaccines are protected by patents. There has been discussion on whether compulsory licences should be granted in order to ensure global equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines. This seminar intends to provide insights on why an IP waiver in relation to COVID-19 intellectual property rights is unlikely to be the best measure towards global vaccination.
    4. 「IoT分野での中国特許出願動向並びにその権利化実務について/Trends in patent applications and prosecution in the IoT field in China」
      立群専利代理事務所MY IP FIRM(中国)
      JP EN
      毛 立群 氏、中国弁理士・弁護士/Liqun MAO(ご質問等はこちら


        As you know, social implementation of IoT technologies in China is running top class in the world. In this lecture,I would like to inform you with the latest trends in application and prosecution in the IoT field in China for IoT-related patents.


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