8月度 東西部会/The Regional Division's Monthly Meeting in August
- 海外賛助会員による情報提供/JIPA Foregin Associate Members
- 「韓国特許(実用新案)制度の現況、実務および展望/The Current Status, Practice and Prospects of
the Korean Patent & Utility Model System」
崔達龍国際特許法律事務所/D.R.CHOI International Patent Office(韓国)
崔達龍氏、韓国弁理士/Mr. Dall-Ryong Choi, Korean Patent Attorney (ご質問等はこちら)
Even amid the severe situation caused by COVID-19, the field of intellectual property rights in Korea has been changing rapidly. In particular, there have been many developments in the field of appeals, and this presentation will explain the recent actions in the patent field over the past year and a half. In addition, practical points of the current patent system and developments in the utility model system will be introduced. - 「商標の使用証拠についてー不使用取消審判に関わる使用証拠の提出を中心に/Evidence of Use of Trademarks - Focusing
on the Submission of Evidence of Use in Relation to Trials for Cancellation
of Non-Use」
石 聡(せき そう)氏、商標部/Mr. Shi Cong, Trademark Agent (ご質問等はこちら)
This presentation will discuss the submission of evidence of use about non-use revocation appeals in China. The content will be developed from 1) precautions in the Office Notice, 2) what kind of evidence to collect, and 3) how to respond to a request for cancellation of non-use. Mainly, regarding 2), the type and format of evidence, the formation of evidence chain, and other issues of interest to applicants will be explained in detail. - 「世界規模のIPおよび販売データを用いた知的財産運用方法
/How companies can use worldwide IP and sales analytics to better manage IP」
グリーンブラム&バーンスティン法律事務所/Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.(米国)
ブルース・バーンスティン氏、その他三名/Mr. Bruce Bernstein, and three speakers(ご質問等はこちら)
Every IP department must determine how many patents to file, and where to file them. This lecture will share best practices for IP departments to answer those two fundamental questions. It will focus on the use of both patent and financial (sales) information, on a worldwide and country specific basis, to gain insight on competitive benchmarking and to develop a more refined, product category-centric IP strategy. G&B will present this topic jointly with BlueFoot Inc., a US company run by two former HP patent attorneys. Bruce Bernstein and Sean Myers-Payne from G&B will discuss how such information can and is used by companies to support their IP strategy and processes. - 「EPOの新審査基準(2021年3月改訂):ドラフト、出願、手続への影響とアドバイス
/The new EPO “Guidelines for Examination” from March 2021: relevance and tips for drafting, filing and prosecution before the EPO“」
フォシウス&パートナー/Vossius and Partner
ユルゲン・マイヤー氏、パートナー、AIPPIバイオテクのロジー部門議長/Dr. Jürgen Meier, Partner, currently serving as Chairman for the AIPPI Biotech Committee
新しい審査基準は、2021年3月1日に施行されました。ほとんどの出願人は、EPOの「明細書の適合」に関する規定を強く批判しています。これは、出願人に請求項でカバーされない実施形態を明細書から取り消すことを強制するものです。 今回のJIPAの講演では、「単一性」のハーモナイゼーション、コンピュータによる発明やデータベース管理システムの特許性、抗体特許、生物学的配列の同一性・類似性などに関する改正も検討します。また、形式的要件やビデオによる口頭審理についても検討します。
The new Guidelines for Examination came into force on 03/01/2021. Most applicants heavily criticize the EPO’s regulations for “adaptation of the description” which forces applicants to cancel embodiments not covered by the claims from the description. Further amendments discussed with JIPA relate to harmonization of “unity”, patentability of Computer Implemented Inventions and Database Management Systems, antibody patenting, identities/similarities of biological sequences. Also formal requirements and oral proceedings via video will be reviewed. - 「改正特許法に基づくドイツ特許訴訟の最新状況/Update on the German patent litigation landscape under the amended patent law」
ディルク・シュスラー=ランゲハイネ氏/Mr. Dirk Schüßler-Langeheine (ご質問等はこちら)
A draft bill provides for important revisions of the German patent law, aiming for enhancing a balanced patent litigation system. It has passed the legislative process in June 2021 and is expected to come into force soon. The impact of these changes on patent litigation in Germany will be explained. We will also introduce practically important differences in the legal practice of the most relevant German patent litigation venues.配信期間は終了しました。
- 「韓国特許(実用新案)制度の現況、実務および展望/The Current Status, Practice and Prospects of
the Korean Patent & Utility Model System」