10月度 東西部会
- 特別講演
内閣府 知的財産戦略推進事務局長 田中 茂明 氏
- 専門委員会報告
2019年度副委員長 津村 直宏 氏(株式会社GSユアサ)
- 海外賛助会員による情報提供
- (1)「欧州特許庁及びドイツ特許庁で権利化を促進する方法(Speeding up Grant before the EPO & GPTO)」(英語
ユルゲン ファラー氏、弁理士/Mr.Jürgen Faller, Patentanwalt(ご質問はこちら)
Examination procedure at the EPO / GPTO is slower than in other jurisdictions.
Though, an early grant is desirable to have the full protection by the patent.
Different legal possibilities exist to speed up the granting process at the PTO’s.
Yet, these depend on the way of entry of the application into the examination procedure.
This presentation provides guidance through these different possibilities.
A distinction is made between applications under the Paris Convention and via the PCT route, for both, the European procedure as well as the German procedure.
- (2)「Brazil Overview and recent developments in patent practice」

ダニエル法事務所/Daniel Law(ブラジル)
*インタビュー記事(PTO on the subject of patent backlog and plans for improvement of the Government
Mr. Rana Gosain, Senior Partner(ご質問はこちら)
The Presentation aims at providing JIPA members an outline of the current efforts the Brazilian PTO has adopted since last year to remedy the patent backlog situation which is a critical problem at the Agency. Several fast track measures have been put in place, including a Preliminary Standardized Office action for patent cases filed up to December 2016.
The PTO has to date reduced the backlog by approximately 30%. Patent Attorney, Rana Gosain has also provided some insight and tips to obtain patent applications quickly and smoothly and sound notions on patent enforcement
- (3)「Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an Inventor: Indian Perspective」

「Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an Inventor: Indian Perspective」
メータ&メータ法事務所/Mehta & Mehta Associates(Mehta IP)(インド)
Mr. Ankush Mehta, Principal Attorney(ご質問はこちら)
The topic primarily discusses if an AI can be named as inventor for patents in India. To understand this, we will discuss:
- Current Laws and Practice related to inventorship for Patents in India and Case Laws setting precedents related to laws of inventorship;
- Then, legislative intent behind the Patent Act and Public Policy for IPRs will be discussed to understand the intention of statutes and possible future roadmap to see if there is any possibility / inclination to add AI as inventor in near future; and
- Finally, we will discuss what a right owners may expect during examination of AI-based patent applications.