Message from the President
Message from the President

In fiscal year 2020, Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA). JIPA will continue to use the slogan of "Creating IP Vision for the World", reinforcing JIPA activities to conduct effective committee activities and training activities through telework/remote work, by reviewing the conventional way of direct communication. This year’s our Basic Policy is consisted of (1)Reviewing and reinforcing the committee, the project, and the relevant industrial group activities,(2)Continuing human resource development (training) and public relations activities related to intellectual properties,(3) Challenging ourselves to conduct future-oriented activities that will drive new values and proposals by intellectual properties.
There are no country borders in the fight against the virus, and the human wisdom is put to the test towards overcoming this infectious disease. In anticipation of the new digital era after the pandemic and the long-term measures necessary for COVID-19, JIPA will challenge ourselves to maintain connection with people involved in IP around the world (Connecting the World), and to create a future with IP (Shaping the Future), to turn these difficulties into opportunities.
We look forward to working more closely with you!
July 2020
Yuji Toda, President 2020