International Activities
JIPA Representatives' visit to Myanmar and Thailand
Myanmar Ministry of Education
Thai DIP
Myanmar Customs
Thai Customs
Shwedagon Pagoda
IP & IT Court
Myanmar Customs, IP Department under the Ministry of Education, Myanmar Police AgencyThailand
Royal Thai Police and Investigation Bureau, Department of Intellectual Property (DIP), Intellectual Propertyand International Trade Court, Royal Thai Customs, JETRO Bangkok
In Myanmar, the delegation members visited the IP department, which
had been incorporated from the Ministry of Science and Technology into
the Ministry of Education, and asked the Director, Dr. Moe Moe Thwe, whom
we had met in Tokyo, for early establishment of the IP law and information
disclosure. In response, Dr. Moe explained, "The IP bill has not officially
been submitted to the Diet yet and will probably be submitted around the
middle of 2017. Also, the design law and the trademark law are likely to
be preferentially established."
Additionally, in Thailand, the delegation members met the Deputy Director
General of DIP, Mr. Suphat, whom we had also met in Tokyo. They heard about
the status of legal revisions of patents and other kinds of intellectual
property and requested the adoption of examination based on absolute novelty
of patents and the introduction of a divisional application system, for
example. In response, Mr. Suphat presented the following information: "Although
we are moving forward to meeting some of your requests, DIP aims to first
eliminate the backlog and achieve faster examination."
All the agencies/institutions that the delegation visited were sincere
in responding to the agenda items and questions from JIPA, and the meeting
was fruitful.
Additionally, Asia strategy PJ members have been becoming able to talk
directly with key persons from individual countries in recent activities.
Moreover, amid the period in which ASEAN, mainly the ASEAN Working Group
on Intellectual Property Cooperation, made efforts to achieve more efficient
examination in the individual countries, the delegation members took this
opportunity to feel that face-to-face talks with the key persons were important.