International Activities
2016 JIPA Representatives' visit to South Korea
During November 10 to 11, 2016, JIPA's Asia PJ dispatched a delegation consisting of delegation leader Mr. Osonoe (PJ leader), Mr. Yoshihara (East Asia WG leader), and 2 other embers to South Korea. The delegation members visited IP-related agencies and exchanged opinions on JIPA's requests and views.In the Presidential Council on Intellectual Property in South Korea, the delegation members exchanged opinions with Mr. Kim Jisu, Director General of Intellectual Promotion Bureau, on the protection of inventions of computer programs per se in the form of patents and on the system for extending the term of pharmaceutical patent rights, for example. The delegation members received explanations on the current situation in South Korea, including the current progress of the consideration and the protest movement against systemic revisions by industry organizations and other groups, and exchanged opinions on these matters.
This first opinion exchange with the Presidential Council on Intellectual Property was conducted in a friendly atmosphere, and the participants reached a consensus that the opportunity to hold such a meeting would be valuable in the future as well.
Additionally, the delegation members exchanged opinions with the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) on the system for extending the term of pharmaceutical patent rights, the prolonged period for response to an Office Action such as a Notice of Reasons for Rejection, the acceptance of Korean applications prepared in Japanese, and the comprehensive manner of designation in trademark applications. This was the first time in 6 years that JIPA had visited KIPO. KIPO commented that opinion exchange like this was meaningful, and they would like JIPA to actively inform them of opinions and requests in the future as well.
Presidential Council on IP
Presidential Council on IP
JIPA Members