International Activities
2016 AIPLA & JIPA Joint Meeting
On April 20, 2016, JIPA had an annual meeting to exchange Opinions &
Information with AIPLA IP Practice in Japan Committee at JIPA Tokyo office.
AIPLA’s 21 members including former Presidents Ms. Sharon Israel, Mr. David
Hill, and Mr. Alan Kasper came to JIPA office, and JIPA’s 19 members including
International policy strategy PJ leader Ms. Miyashita and former President
Mr. Ueno took part in the meeting.
At the meeting, AIPLA gave 4 presentations “IPR Development”, “Update on Patent Eligibility in the US”, “INT'L Trade Commission Update”, and “USPTO Statistics and Updates”. On the other hand, JIPA introduced “Impact of the US Supreme Court's Nautilus Decision on Japanese practice on Indefiniteness Standard”. Having lively Q&A on each theme, the meeting came to be very fruitful.