International Activities
Opinion Exchange with CGPDTM's New Controller General
In the meeting, after greeting speeches of Chairperson Tanaka and Controller General Gupta, we briefly explained JIPA and introduced the delegation to be sent to India next week.
Mr. Tanaka said in his speech that Japanese companies regard India as a very important country for their business and also regard intellectual property in India as of great importance.
He also mentioned that JIPA sends delegations and trainers, cooperates in examiners' training and offers organizations concerned a large number of opinions on improvement in the IP
environment. Mr. Gupta became aware of the significance of the JIPA's overall activities and delegations, and answered that they would give due consideration to delegations' opinions to create a better IP environment for foreign companies to continue conducting business in India safely.
In the free discussion session, Mr. Tanaka explained Mitsui Chemical's business activities in India, which helped Mr. Gupta to understand that JIPA's efforts were also important to
India, leading to lively opinion exchange among the participants.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Gupta told us that as part of the improvement in the IP environment in India, 450 examiners were newly employed to address the problem of delayed examination. He asked for our possible future cooperation, for example, the technical training of the new examiners.