International Activities
Report on the 15th JIPA IP Symposium
Market Creation & IP Strategy
¡ÁCatch a Business Chance by Utilizing Various Kinds of IP!¡Á
On February 17, 2016, the 15th JIPA IP Symposium, titled "Market Creation
& IP Strategy - Catch a Business Chance by Utilizing Various Kinds
of IP!", was held at the Tokyo International Forum. This year, about
950 IP experts participated in the symposium, in which there were two keynote
speeches and two panel discussions.
After the greeting speech of Mr. Ito, JPO Commissioner, Mr. Gurry, Director General of WIPO, spoke in keynote speech I about
"Market Creating Innovation and Intellectual Property." He said, "for Market Creating Innovation, IP should not interfere with innovation, and IP policies balanced in access,
disclosure, and rewards are required. Such an IP system must be capable of responding not only to globalization but also to rapid changes in the market."
In keynote speech II, Mr. Inoue (Director-General, Industrial Science and
Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry) made a speech titled "Standards Strategy of Japan"
in which he introduced the global trend of standardization, successful
examples of the adoption of standardization, and the government's support
system. He said, "in order to standardize systems such as IoT, the
movement across different industries is important, but Japan is weak in
this regard, and so we are anticipating for its future development."
In Panel Discussion I held in the afternoon titled "How to Utilize Various Kinds of IP to Create New Market," which was coordinated by Mr. Takeda (Chuo University), we focused on ongoing IP projects. Mr. Shirahashi (iPS Academia Japan) explained "IP strategies for iPS cell technology," Mr. Yamada (Toyo University) described "Global Standardization of Services for Independent Living and IP Strategies," Mr. Kondo (TOYOTA) introduced "TOYOTA's IP-related Activities for the Hydrogen Society," and Mr. Tokuda (Panasonic) explained "IP-related Activities adapted to Community-Driven Business," where the panelists introduced cases of the respective companies. Through the discussion among the panelists, they delivered the following message: although future is unpredictable even out in the front, "we should move forward based on our own consideration and practice while utilizing the PDCA cycle". They discussed how important the reform of the mindset in IP divisions and the development of capable human resources were in order to meet changes in society.
In Panel Discussion II titled "Success Stories: IP Strategies on Creating Market," which was coordinated by JIPA Advisor Mr. Takemoto (Suntory), examples of the creation of new markets were introduced. Mr. Naruo (Kumamoto Prefecture) introduced "Kumamon and the Royalty-free Strategy," Mr. Watanabe (Rakuten) described "Role of IP in the Creation of Business Model and Market," Mr. Hara (DENSO WAVE) explained "Pioneering the QR code Market," and Mr. Jibiki (Unicharm) explained "Unicharm's IP Management View," in which each company's cases were introduced with an unexpected guest, the mascot Kumamon, also taking part in the session. In the discussion the panelists, they talked over factors of the success, which included the values timely provided in response to social changes, all of which still continue to evolve, and the use of intellectual property in multiple manners to protect technologies, brands, and customers. The discussion ended with the following message: IP management is essential for successful business.
In the poster session, people from companies that are considering sending employees to be members of expert committees had a lively chat with former committee members. In the traditional poster competition, the 1st prize went to the 1st and 2nd License Committees, the 2nd prize went to the Trademark Committee, and the 3rd prize went to the Copyright Committee and the Management Committee. The Chairman's Award went to the IP Information System Committee.
Opening Address
Mr. Hitoshi Ito
Mr. Francis Gurry
Mr. Hiroshi Inoue
Panel Discussion 1
Panel Discussion 2
Poster Session